Attention! This is archive version of the site. New website of MAMA-86 NGO is HERE
Call for participation
Dear inhabitants of cooperative houses and condominiums!
Non-governmental organization "MAMA-86-Odessa" announces competition to select a house for the implementation of the pilot project "Economically effective and safe house", which aimed to introduce:
- models of economically effective and ecologically safe house management on the base of the selected multy-storied building;
- approaches for the decreasing of the utilities payment by installing energetically effective technologies, improving insulations, savings of water, gas, electricity, waste separation.
Cooperatives of the multi-apartment houses or association of the owners of multi-apartment houses are invited to participate in the competition.
Requirements for participants:
agreement of all tenants of the house to install the resource-saving technologies, to achieve separate collection of household waste;
- requirement to the house:
- not more than 4 entrances,
- presence or installation of the water meters before beginning of the pilot project;
- metallic doors
- basement
- green cultivations around the house.
All participants of the competition should submit the following documents until January 24, 2005 , to the NGO "MAMA-86-Odessa":
Claim for participation in the competition (with the signatures of all tenants),
- Copy of the registration,
- Copy of the statute,
- Description of the technical characteristics of the building.
Address NGO "MAMA-86-Odessa": Odessa , Yekaterininskaya str., 20. Tel: 715-50-55.
Contact person:
Litvinenko Elena Leonidovna — executive director OF NGO "MAMA-86-Odessa",
Yureskul Ludmila Leont'evna — assistant of the coordinator of project.
