Attention! This is archive version of the site. New website of MAMA-86 NGO is HERE
Report on celebration of Water Day
and International Year of Sanitation 2008
This year Water Day actions are held within the framework of International Year of Sanitation (IYS) and are devoted to problems of sanitation and hygiene. In the frame of preparation for the information campaign for Water Day – IYS MAMA-86 Kyiv has translated into Ukrainian a leaflet "UNICEF : International Year of Sanitation – facts and figures", prepared a leaflet "Facts about water supply and sanitation in Ukraine" and leaflet "International Year of Sanitation 2008". These materials could be obtained on the MAMA-86 website, published and disseminated during information campaign for Water Day – IYS in Kyiv and regions.
Actions for Water Day and Sanitation Week began on 15 March and included wide range of measures that were organized by regional branches of MAMA-86 and regional partners. Among these actions were: seminars, lectures, round tables and participation in the II "AQUA Ukraine" Donetsk-2008 exhibition; lessons, quizzes and competitions at schools, pictures and essays competitions among school and kindergarten children, cleaning up actions of brooks, sources of drinking water, river banks and seacoast; expeditions along the channels and rivers banks, press-club for media and meetings with local citizens and authorities with a purpose of discussion water and sanitation problems. At the end of March the analysis of local decentralized sources of drinking water supply on nitrates content has begun in 10 regions of Ukraine with the involvement of students and pupils. MAMA-86 announced about the journalist competition "Adequate Sanitation – for every Ukrainian citizen!"
NGO "MAMA-86" and "Water-Information Center" of Kyiv City State Administration held a press-club devoted to the Water Day and IYS on 18 of March 2008. 25 participants that represented 14 national and local media took part. "Water-Information Center" Director Mr. Alexander Popov presented work of the water museum and invited media people to co-operate in Water Day information campaign. Ganna Tsvietkova, NGO "MAMA-86" and National Coordinator of WSSCC told about challenges and tasks of IYS.
 NGO "MAMA-86" presented also new project "Safe sanitation, hygiene and dignity" that will be implemented in 10 places and will be dedicated to the awareness rising of citizens about health aspects of sanitation and hygiene. Building of urine diverting dry toilets for schools in villages and households is planned in the frame of the project. The project is conducting with a support of International network "Women in Europe For a Common Future" with financial assistance of French Fund FONDATION ENSEMBLE and MFS, The Netherlands.
NGO "MAMA-86" announced about the journalist competition "adequate sanitation for every citizen of Ukraine!" Competition starts on 18 March and finishes 25 October 2008 and has a prize fund for winners. Competition results will be announced on the International Toilet Day – 19 November 2008.
Sanitary-hygienic situation in Kyiv was presented by Deputy Head of the Sanitary Doctor of Kyiv city Mr. Pastushenko Sergii. Problems in canalization in the suburban private houses, solid waste processing, noise and air pollution by transport and problems of radio-magnetic pollution are in the list of problems that rise concern in Sanitary-Epidemic Service.
Korchak Galina, expert of the Marzeev Institute of hygiene and medical ecology presented questions of water borne virus infections, problems of diagnosis, necessity of implementation of National Standart "SanPin" 1996 and outlined new technologies of water treatment, that are really effective in water treatment from virus pollution.
General Engineer of "JSC Vodocanal" Mr. Kostyuk V.A. presented situation in water and canalization sector of the Kyiv. He outlined that during last years new technologies of disinfecting drinking water have been developed and implemented in Kyiv, reagents has been changed, new flocculants are used, however there is still a problem with water in the source, especially with oil pollution. He pointed out on the necessity of implementation of measures aimed on the protection of drinking water sources.
Media representatives had the opportunity to see a documentary film about problems in sanitation in the village school and they were given information materials about Water Day actions in 2008.
Scientific Conference, devoted to the Water Day, was organized by the State Committee of Ukraine of Water Resources on 20 March. Ms. Ganna Tsvietkova made a presentation of the book "Sustainable Sanitation in the Central and Eastern European Countries – addressing the needs of small and medium size settlements." Around 50 participants from the Ministries and Agencies responsible for water management, water basin organizations, scientists and non-governmental organizations took part in the Conference. Information materials: leaflets "UNICEF: International Year of Sanitation – facts and figures", "Facts about water supply and sanitation in Ukraine", "International Year of Sanitation 2008" and above mentioned book were distributed among the participants.
Seminar "Water, sanitation and hygiene for all: problems and ways of solving problems in water supply and waste water treatment in the rural parts of Ukraine" was held on 25 March 2008 in the frame of II Water Forum "AQUA Ukraine Donetsk-2008". Seminar was conducted fourth time in the frame of International Campaign "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all."
It was initiated by the NGO with Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC, Geneva) support. This year Seminar was devoted to the International Year of Sanitation and had such goals:
- to present and discuss the problems of water-supply and waste water treatment in rural settlements, their connections with quality of life of people in the context of MDGs on water and sanitation achievement and conducting of the International Year of Sanitation – 2008;
- to present ways of solving outlined problems, which specialists offer today;
- to present and introduce the publication of Global water partnership of Central and Eastern Europe «Sustainable Sanitation in Central and Eastern Europe: Addressing the Needs of Small and Medium-Size Settlements»
Representatives of public ecological organizations, scientific and technical institutions from Mykolaiv, Nova Kakhovka, Kharkiv, Poltava, Zaporizhzhya, Lviv, Kyiv took part in the seminar. The first part of seminar was devoted to the questions of access to the safe drinking-water and sanitation in rural settlements.
Tsvietkova Ganna – coordinator of the Water programs of Ukrainian NGO "MAMA-86" presented state of implementation of Millennium Development Goals for water-supply and sanitation in Ukraine.
Officially Ukraine did not recognize as a priority the problem of waste water treatment and insurance of access of citizens of Ukraine to the improved sanitation. However, even official statistics testify to the presence of considerable lag and considerable problems in relation to waste water treatment services both in rural locality and in the small cities of Ukraine.
Today solving of problems of reduction of volumes of effluents, division of waste flows on the stage of origin and their treatment without mixing, rational use of resources, introduction of the principle of reuse of water and processing of wastes, especially organic and products of vital functions of man – all these problems must be recognised as priorities of the industry. Improvement of sanitary epidemiological conditions of settlements is the important task of both authorities of all levels and science and citizens. Polluter and user – pays for pollution and carries responsibilities for improvements of the environment, for the protection of drinking water sources, rational use of water.
Experience of NGO "MAMA-86" in solving problems of waste water treatment in cities and rural settlements can be as example of such activity, of co-operation of all interested parties, introduction of sustainable technologies of sanitation, among them there is introduction of ecosanitation. Traverse Galina, prof. of Ukrainian medical stomatology academy and representative of "MAMA-86 Poltava" made a presentation about problems of the negative influence of high concentrations of fluorine in water on the development of iodine deficit diseases. Dubina Valentina, Tavriyskii Agrotechnical University and representative of Nova-Kakhovka Environmental Society, presented case on public participation in the solution of problems of water-supply of small and rural settlements in Nova Kakhovska region. Sitnik Svitlana, Lugansk National Agrarian Academy, presented case about problems of drinking water-supply in Lugansk city and characteristics of local drinking-water from point of its toxic safety and physiology full value. City Lugansk uses 100% of ground water as a drinking water supply. This water has specific properties (high natural maintenance of calcium and arsenic), that is why local purifying of drinking-water has a large value for a city. The state of water-supply and sewerage systems in Mykolaiv oblast was presented by Katerina Berest, representative of «MAMA-86 Mykolaiv».
The necessity to recognize the solution of waste water treatment and sewerage problems as a priority task of WSS sector was outlined in all discussions and presentations. By solving problems of sanitation and waste water treatment it is possible to ensure safety of drinking water supply at the source. Measures in industry of sewerage systems and waste water treatment must provide basis of long-term work for the improvement of access of citizens of Ukraine to the safe drinking-water.
The second part of the seminar was devoted to practical issues: how to solve problems in safe drinking water supply and improve access to the safe drinking water in the rural localities of Ukraine.
It had begun by the demonstration of two videos about bio-engineering waste water treatment facilities that were implemented in Ukraine by engineers and scientists of the Kharkov Institute of Ecological Problems. In their presentations and discussions Melnick Luydmila and Dzyubenko Yuilia told about most economic ways of modern facilities for waste and drinking water treatment in rural parts of Ukraine. Shestakova Olga from the Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy made a presentation about modern state of sewerage system of Dergachivskogo rayon of Kharkiv oblast and the strategy of its reconstruction.
At the end of the seminar a publication by Global Water Partnership in Central and Eastern Europe "Sustainable Sanitation in the Central and Eastern European Countries – addressing the needs of small and medium size settlements," was presented by Ganna Tsvietkova Ukrainian NGO "MAMA-86" and a member of expert group of the Regional Water Partnership in Central and Eastern Europe. All seminar participants received the above mentioned book.
The book was also presented and disseminated on the exhibition stand of NGO "MAMA-86" during "AQUA-Ukraine" Donetsk-2008 exhibition.
Participation in the exhibition gave MAMA-86 a chance to address a vide range of people with problems in sanitation and drinking water. Donetsk region is one of the regions with a heavy industrial impact on the environment, especially on water. More than 150 above mentioned booklets and leaflets published by MAMA-86 were disseminated among participants and visitors of exhibition. Among most active visitors to MAMA-86 Exhibition stand were students and lecturers from the Donetsk Medical University, Kharkiv University of Architecture and Building, Donetsk Scientific Technical University, Donetsk Institute of Agricultural Industry. Business people interest in the sanitation and water issues and MAMA-86 ways of solving them was noted. A lot of contacts were made that would help in future to address the right people in finding practical solutions of sanitation and water problems in Ukraine. It should be noted as well that dry-urine toilets, their construction, usage of waste organics that were also presented during the exhibition gave a big rise of interest among business people and people with private households.
City Artemivs’k
A round table (consultations) "Water for city – perspectives and opportunities" with the representatives from local vodocanal, Secretary of the local Council, deputies of the local Council, non-governmental organizations, and heads of the Houses Committees was held on the 21 March 2008 in the city Artemivs’k. The position of local authorities, state of the vodocanal, and local opinion on change of form of property of communal enterprise "Bakhmut Water" was clarified. It was decided to organize working group for the preparation of common vision about the necessity of changes of ownership of communal enterprise "Bakhmut Water", terms for the concession and agreement with the concessionaire about primary actions – protection of consumer rights. It has been planned to conduct next round table on 21 April to form common vision of vodocanal work and to prepare local hearings about changes in the ownership of vodocanal.
MAMA-86 Artemiv’sk prepared booklet for children "Children about nitrates" according to materials published by "MAMA-86 Poltava".
There was a celebration of Water Day in 8 Form of school in village Zvanivka (situated north of the Artemiv’sk, has a population of 1,8 thousands people) on the 3rd April 2008. Class head teacher Boyko Olga Ivanivna organized a quiz "What do I know about nitrates". 24 pupils took part in the quiz. All children were given information leaflets "Children about nitrates". 4 common wells were checked on the nitrate concentration, these wells are situated along the highway Artemiv’sk-Sivers’k. Nitrate concentration according to the express test analysis were from 250 to 500 mg/l.
Next wells monitoring is planned to conduct in the middle of April. Children have to draw plan of their households, toilets, agriculture supporting buildings, make a description about state of their private wells and bring water samples from their wells and from the centralized water system supply.
City Nizhyn
Children celebration "Journey of water drop" was held in the kindergarden in the village Vertiivka on 21 March. 38 kids, 12 parents and 18 kindergarden stuff took part in the event. Books on water issues for children from the kindergarden were handed over.
Children of kindergarden of Vertiivka are performing a song about water.
There was a meeting with local Department of Water Resources that is managing water resources in the city Nizhyn and Nizhyn rayon on 24 March. 28 representatives from the Department, representative of rayon sanitary-epidemic service, non-governmental organizations "NEMO" and "MAMA-86-Nizhyn" took part in the meeting.
Such issues were discussed during the meeting: state of the water resources in Nizhyn rayon and measures for improvement of river bank zones in the rayon (speaker – Head of the Water Resources Division Stasyuk Valentina), about sanitary-hygienic state of the wells and quality of drinking from wells in the villages of Nizhyn rayon (speaker – Doctor of rayon Sanitary-Epidemic Service Luchko Alexander), work of "MAMA-86-Nizhyn" in the field of safety and drinking water quality improvement, prevention of pesticides and fertilizers penetration into the soil, risks for water resources in Nizhyn rayon from the planned construction of chemical plant for the fertilizers production was presented by Schokina Valentina, "MAMA-86 Nizhyn".
As a result of discussions it was agreed that the draft project of a common plan of action to protect water resources of the region is needed. Participants of the meeting recommended as a first and urgent step – to develop technical documentation and mapping of the river Oster protecting zone in the city and rayon area. Meeting participants also agreed to support the development of the regional program of environmental protection with cooperation with Desnyans’kiy Basin Water Department.
Photo: Meeting with representatives of Water Resources Department.
City Kharkiv
Water Day Actions and International Year of Sanitation were organized by KhCENGO "MAMA-86 Kharkiv" and took place from 15 to 20 March and for the information campaign leaflets with materials from NGO "MAMA-86" ( were published.
- "International Year of Sanitation – facts about sanitation", (100 copies)
- "Facts about water supply and sanitation in Ukraine" , (100 copies)
Methodological seminar for leaders of ecological children projects was held before the celebration of Water Day. Information materials were disseminated during this seminar.
In festive information actions for Water Day more then 2500 pupils in 16 educational institutions where children’ ecological projects on the scheme "Sustainable development – seeing by children" are implemented took part:
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹129
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹165
- Kharkiv educational complex ¹153 «School ²-²²² grade – kindergarten»
- Kharkiv high school ¹43
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹49
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹108
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹122
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹11
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹75
- Center of children and youth creative work ¹2 of Zhovtnevyii rayon
- Center of children and youth creative work ¹6 of Frunze rayon. Association of children-yuth organizations "Temp"
- Lomonosov Kharkiv high school ¹46
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹48
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹53
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹90
- Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹167
Thematic discussions of the problems of drinking water and sanitation in Ukraine were held from 15 to 20 March 2008. Presentations of children’ ecological projects were given in 5 educational institutions:
- "Siverskyii Donets – river of beauty and hope" (Center of children and youth creative work ¹2)
- "Preserve nature sources of water for themselves and future generations" (Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹165)
- "Clean water – future of our children" (Kharkiv educational complex ¹153)
- "Ecology of water – ecology of life" (Lomonosov Kharkiv high school ¹46
- "Spring drinking water" (Kharkiv general school I-III grade ¹167, ecology group "Drop of water").
City Nova Kahovka, Khersons’ka oblast
Monitoring of sanitary state of Dnipro River and North-Crimean channel on the territory of Nova-Kahovka local authorities was conducted. It also included express tests of water quality for nitrates and nitrites in 10 places. There was not exceeding of norms. Situation with preparation of putting in operation North-Crimean channel by water releasing was studied. Local journalists from the newspaper “Spring” took place in the actions. It was revealed that sanitary protection zone of the channel banks is polluted with rubbish, bottom of the channel has not been cleaned up, works of bank protection has not been done, and due to the withdrawal of sand and clay from the banks they are partly demaged.
4 meetings with 200 students of technical college and school were conducted in the library of High school ¹5, agrotechical college). Meetings were devoted to the water supply and waste water drainage and cleaning in Nova Kahovka. The article about state of water supply was published in the newspaper “Spring”. 2 articles about actions of monitoring of the state of North-Crimean channel and water supply to Nova Kahovka were published in the local newspaper “Spring”.
NGO “MAMA-86-Nova Kahovka” has also published 40 booklets “High quality water as a factor of civilization”. They were given to the libraries and also disseminated in organizations that have water supply systems on their balance.
Activities in the frame of action “To clean springs” has begun, 1 spring in the “Magic valley” has been cleaned. This work will be continued in other places of river Dnipro and North-Crimean channel banks on the Nova Kahovka rayon territory. Initiative of improvement of state of drinking water sources was supported by Dnipryans’kyii village Council. NovoKahovs’ka city Council has announced “Toloka” for the liquidation of illegal solid waste dumping places and improvement of drinking water sources.
Poltava rayon
Educational actions devoted to the World Water Day were held from 18 to 21 March in Gozhuly educational center in Poltava rayon. Teachers of biology, geography, chemistry, painting, school director and medical nurse took part in the events. Around 150 pupils and school teachers took part in the various events devoted to the Water Day.
There were 6 open lessons for 5-10 year grades with a scheme “Water importance in the life of people and nature”. All school’ line with a scheme “Water Day” was held on 19 March. Quiz “Water, sanitation for all” was organized for pupils 1-5 form on 18-19 March. Paintings competition “Water in the environment” was organized among pupils of junior and teenager classes. Lesson “Impact of water quality on the human health” was conducted among pupils of junior and teenager classes on 19 March. Pupils of 1-3 form made an express testing of local wells for the nitrate and nitrite concentration on 20-21 March.
10 winners of the contests and quizzes will take part in the children’s conference “Live water” that will be in Educational center in village Machukha on 17 April 2008.
Information materials “Attention: nitrates!” and “Fluorine in water” were handed over during these actions.
City Feodosiya
MAMA-86-Feodisiya organized Round table “Problems of ecosanitation of Big Feodosiya on 27 March 2008. 39 representatives of local authorities of Feodosiya and of three settlements: Beregove, Kurortne and Nasipne took part in round table. All participants got informative materials of NGO “MAMA-86” and “MAMA-86-Feodosiya”.
During round table presentation of lecture of Chief Sanitary Doctor of Feodosiya Pen'kovskogo A. took place, photo presentation of standard of utilization of garbage on the households territories by a way of twenty-for-hour incineration. Recommendations of participants of round table will be passed on to the meeting of Public Board on 7 April 2008. The results of measures are published in three local newspapers “Provinciya”, “Pobeda” and “Crimian Izvestiya”.
Opening of work of fountain «Del'finchik» for the 2008 season took place on March, 27 at 10.00 in the morning. Group of students of politekhnikum and schoolboys of sanatorium boarding school ¹1 cleaned the territory round a fountain, painted the sculpture of «Del'finchik» and prepared it to connect to water suppy. A local newspaper «Pobeda» printed the article and pictures of this action.
Within the framework of the city’ program «MAMA-86-Feodosiya» with the help of volunteers schoolboys and students of FPT cleaned part of Genueska ditch from garbage, dumps, silt and dirt on March, 28, 2008
A film crew which is headed by Chernovolov A.I. started to work on a short film about the problems of sanitation of city and seashore in the district of Feodosiya in April.
Presentation of sustainable sanitation and results of introduction of ekosanitarii in Ukraine was given during Public Board meeting on April, 7.
A meeting with 24 people, population of rayon, on a theme “Sanitary safety is in everyone hands” took place in a city library ¹4 on April, 8.
Film completion is planned on the second half of April, at the same time it is planned to conduct an ecotour with ecosanitation demonstration. Ecotour will get place in rural regions of Big Feodosiya rayon.
City Sevastopol
Demonstration of film about water for 143 students of 7-th forms of three schools of city Sevastopol (schools 51, 48, 61) took place on March, 19-21
Within a week, from 21 to 27 March 2008, public organization «Geya» together with activists and in collaboration with “MAMA-86-Sevastopol” conducted the sanitary cleaning of lands of river basin Kayak. 202 volunteers took part in these actions. As a result of it on 21 March 42 volunteers cleaned 2,5 Ha of wetlands in village Peredove, on 22 March 17 volunteers cleaned up protective river banks zone of small rivers: Baga and Ursusta. 12 km of river bank were cleaned.
“MAMA-86-Sevastopol”presented a brochure “Water – source of health” for 86 representatives of local community “Unity” on 27 March.
Rural city Yaremche of Ivano-Frankivs’ka oblast
Six eco-lessons about “Water and Sanitation” were conducted with support of “MAMA-86-Yaremche” and Carpathian National park: Three lessons in Vorochta secondary school for pupils of 7-9 forms and two eco-lessons for 60 pupils of 8-9 forms. A large number of booklets were disseminated.
“MAMA-86-Yaremche” has developed Regulations about conducting a competition of writings “Decision of problems in ecosanitation in Yaremche region” between pupils of Yaremche MVO and has announced a contest. From overall 18 compositions 3 winners were chosen. All participants were given encouraging prizes.
In a local newspaper «Carpatian National» ¹51 winner-composition, and best parts of children compositions as well as an article devoted to the Water Day were published. Information materials that were prepared by NGO “MAMA-86” about state of water and sanitation in Ukraine and about International Year of Sanitation are displayed and handed over on information stands “Ecotelephone informs”.
City Mykolaiv
During March, 19-23 with "MAMA-86-Mykolaiv", activists and volunteers support a clearing of natural source was conducted in village Petrovo – Solonikha of Mykolaiv rayon.
Data about the presence of springs and wells, about state of drinking water sources and technical water around village Petrovo – Solonikha have been collected starting from the beginning of spring 2007. Gathered information was mapped on the territory map and handed over to Kir’yakov village council.
For the Water Day Actions spring that has been used by the village population for the drinking purposes and food preparation and water from which according to the citizens opinion was the most "sweet" was chosen. Work for the spring clearing had started on 19 March with volunteers meeting, where information about International Water Day was given, plan of work had been developed and the responsibilities between volunteers were clarified, along with discussion of resources available. Two coordination meetings were conducted during the week. Additional fundraising was made and local dwellers and authorities involvement into actions was discussed. The forest state enterprise "Mykolaiiv forestry" (Director – Morokha O.I.) gave a support with building materials for the well shell.
Volunteers helped in unloading and materials transportation at the long distance from the road to the spring, they provided also a temporal storage, protection from stealing and construction of well shell.
12 volunteers from the organization and local people cleared the spring and the area from rubbish along the radius of 100 m around the spring on 22 March. Collected rubbish was sorted and transported to the landfill by a lorry that was provided by Kir’yakiv village council.
Building of the well shell and work of paving the road strip across the wetland to the spring was conducted on 23 of March. Thanks to the "MAMA-86-Mykolaiiv" initiative and with cooperation with "Mykolaiiv forestry" and local people of village Petrovo-Solonikha gained a clean and improved drinking source.