Draft Resolution on the implementation of the International Year of Water Cooperation Print
News Waterfall - News Waterfall #8
Friday, 28 December 2012 13:48

The 2nd Committee of the 67th UN General Assembly approved on 30 November 2012 a draft resolution titled “Implementation of the International Year of Water Cooperation, 2013” by which the General Assembly would stress the importance of full involvement by all relevant stakeholders in the implementation of the Year at all levels.

Based on UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/65/154 Draft resolution encourages all Member States and all other actors to continue to promote actions on all levels aimed at the achievement of the internationally agreed water-related goals contained in Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, the United Nations Millennium Declaration and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.

More information about International Year of Water Cooperation and its activities is on:

  • http://www.unwater.org/
  • http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol =A/C.2/67/L.38/Rev.1)

Milestone Events in 2013:

UN-Water Annual Conference in Zaragoza, Water Cooperation, Making it Happen! 8–10 January 2013, Zaragoza, Spain. The UN-Water Conference in Zaragoza will focus on effective ways to make cooperation happen in the water domain. More about event read in our article below.

Kick-off Meeting of the International Year 11 February 2013. The kick-off meeting for the International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 will be held at UNESCO Headquarter in Paris, France on 11 February 2013. During this event, the best slogan for water cooperation will be announced and adopted.

World Water Day — 22 March 2013. Celebrations for the WWD will take place around the world on the theme of water cooperation. The main UN international event will take place in The Netherlands, hosted by the Dutch Government and coordinated by UNESCO and UNECE with the support of UN-Water Members and Partners.

A High-Level Interactive Dialogue of the sixty-seventh session of the General Assembly will also be convened in New York on 22 March 2013 to mark the 2013 International Year of Water.

A High-Level International Conference on Water Cooperation August 2013, Dushanbe, Tajikistan

World Water Week 1–6 September 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. This yearly appointment for water practitioners from around the world in 2013 will be entirely dedicated to Water Cooperation.

Third session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health, 25–27 November, Oslo, Norway

More information about International Year of Water Cooperation and its activities is on: http://www.unwater.org/

http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/env/water/mop_ 6_Rome/Unofficial_documents/MOP6.2012.INF.6_calendar _of_meetings_final.pdf