Attention! This is archive version of the site. New website of MAMA-86 NGO is HERE


Ukrainian Environmental NGO MAMA-86 published SCP policy review of Western and South Caucasus EECCA countries. »»»

Danube Day 2008 in Izmail, Prydunav’e – Ukrainian Low Danube. »»»

Report on celebration of Water Day and International Year of Sanitation 2008. »»»


1st Regional WfW Conference "Partnerships for achieving Water and Sanitation Millennium Development Goals in the EECCA region" took place from 4 to 6 November 2007 in Kyiv. »»»

1st Regional WfW Conference "Partnerships for Achieving the Water and Sanitation Millennium Development Goals in the EECCA region" will take place from 4 to 6 November 2007. »»»

Project "Safe Drinking Water for schoolchildren of Gozhuly village, Ukraine" »»»

In June 29, 2007 in Vylkove, Îdesa Oblast the celebration of the International Danube Day was held for the third time. »»»

Ukraine’s Danube Day will be a day of fun, festivities and music but with a serious message — to "celebrate Danube cultures" on behalf of the many cultures and nationalities living in the Danube basin region.  The main celebrations will be held in Vylkove, but other Odesa region towns such as Tatarbunary, Odesa, Kilia, Reni, Bolgrad and Ismail will also be involved. »»»

On 24th March 2007 the Ukrainian-Finnish Joint Seminar on dry toilet promotion experience exchange was held in Kyiv. »»»

In cooperation with Finnish NGO — the Global Dry Toilet Club of Finland MAMA-86 developed and published the Guide on Dry Toilets — "Dry Toilet — take it seriously!" »»»

The common project "Europe free of toxic substances — 2" was started in October 2006 by NGO Ecological group "Idea realization fund" (Belarus), Center of environment and sustainable development "Eco-harmony" (Russia) and NGO "MAMA-86" (Ukraine) with help of NGO International Chemical Secretariat (Sweden) and financial support of Swedish agency of environmental secure (Swedish EPA).

The round table "The role of education, enlightenment and information in the problem of dangerous wastes and useless pesticides solving in Ukraine". »»»

Campaign "For prioritization of the ecological policy". Press-Release. »»»

The report of MAMA-86 National Environmental NGO on implementation of project "Co-operation for Sustainable Rural Development: Drinking Water Supply, Eco-sanitation, Organic Agriculture" in 2003—2006 (PDF, 1.4 Mb). »»»

The first meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Water and Health to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes was held on 17—19 January 2007 at the Palais des Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland. »»»

On November, 28 the official opening ceremony of school eco-toilet in v. Stepanovka, Rozdil'nyanskiy Rayon, Odesa Oblast was held. »»»

On December, 18, 2006 World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD) activities were finished. »»»

On Decembers, 4, 2006 in Kyiv a seminar on principles and ways of integrated water resources management (IWRM) implementation in Ukraine took place. It was organized by "MAMA-86" in cooperation with both the State Committee on water management — Derzhvodgosp of Ukraine and the State institute of management and economy of water resources funded by GWP and Country Water Partnership of Ukraine. 35 representatives of NGOs, public and experts took part in the event. »»»

On September 20, 2006 within the framework of IV International Water Forum "AQUA Ukraine — 2006" the seminar "Public participation in improvement access to safe drinking water and sanitation in the rural areas of Ukraine" took place. »»»

"MAMA-86-Yaremche" Finished Building of the Central Water Pipeline Branch in Vorokhta. »»»

29 June 2006 in Vylkove, Îdesa oblast the celebration of the International Danube Day was held by activists of 3 Danube Clubs from Vylkove, Izmail and Odesa. Actions were organized by All-Ukrainian Environmental NGO "MAMA-86" and "MAMA-86-Odesa" under the support of the Ministry for Environmental Protection of Ukraine, in partnership with Coca-Cola HBC, Austria and with financial support of Coca-Cola Beverages Ukraine Ltd. »»»

The construction of dry ecosan toilet was finished in the youth  summer camp near v. Peredovoe in Crimea, Ukraine. »»»

În May, 12—20, 2006 — a training on private ecosan toilet building took place in a village of Stepanovka of Odesa Oblast. This event has been hold in the framework of the project "Sustainable Development for All: ecological sanitation and waste-(water) management in rural areas of Ukraine". »»»

MAMA-86’s Water Day 2006 Action Report. »»»

On 31st of March 2006 the round table "From models to reality: implementation of education for sustainable development ideas" was held in Kharkiv. »»»

The Concept of Non-nuclear Development of the Power Industry of Ukraine was developed by Ukrainian environmental NGOs in response to unwillingness of the Government to consider seriously alternatives to the "nuclear" scenario of the draft Energy Strategy of Ukraine up to 2030 »»»

Environmental NGOs have heavily criticised the Energy Strategy of Ukraine up to 2030, proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and presented an alternative scenario in their own Concept of the Non-nuclear Option of Development of the Power Industry of Ukraine up to 2030. »»»

On 22nd of February Organic Agriculture Information and Consulting Center started working in Vertiyivka village located in Nizhyn region of Chernigivska oblast. »»»

Galina Oliynykova, the leader of "MAMA-86-Artemovsk", is nominated for the Mayor of Her native town Artemovsk. It is our second achievement already. First one was registration of Valentina Shchokina as Nizhyn local board contender. Victory wishes to you!

Valentina Shchokina, the leader of "MAMA-86-Nizhyn", is acknowledged to be "The Woman of the year — 2005" within nomination "Public figure" of the Forth Regional Contest held by Nizhyn Regional State Administration. The Winner herself considers this victory a common achievement of all Organization members and foreign partners. We heartily congratulate Valentina Mykolaivna. We are really proud to work together!

On February 11th 2006 Lesya Gayduk, "MAMA-86-Yaremche" representative, spoke on the meeting "Rural tourism development — an effective tool for sustainable development of village: state, problems and prospects", which was attended by Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Yekhanurov. During this meeting measures for state support of rural tourism development in Ukraine, particularly in Carpathians region, on 2006-2010 were discussed.

On 7th of February 2006 The "International Conference on Chemicals Management" (ICCM) adopted Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Even though The USA tried to resist the agreement, 140 countries supported SAICM. This document is necessary for developing countries struggling to protect the health of people and environment from negative influence of toxic chemicals. Few countries (Norway, Switzerland, Sweden) have undertaken the obligations of financial support to Quick Start Program of SAICM. The International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN), the member of which is MAMA-86, welcomes adoption of SAICM and calls upon governments and all SAICM stakeholders to begin contributing immediately to implement the SAICM in all regions of the world. Information source: Olga Tsygulyova, MAMA-86-Kharkiv.

Environmental NGOs are indignant at the statement of PM Yekhanurov on lack of alternatives to development of nuclear power in Ukraine. Press-release. »»»

On the 5—7 th of December the seminar "Education for sustainable development" took place in Yaremche, Ivano-Frankivsk district. »»»

On December, the 1—2nd, 2005 the meeting "Water partnership: Participation of Ukraine" was held in Kyiv. It was passed under patronage of the State Committee of Water Management of Ukraine and by participation of Global Water Partnership (GWP) representatives. »»»

On the 22nd of November a seminar-training "The Main Aspects of Organic Farming" was held in Poltava. »»»

On the 25—27 November 2005 the Third Conference of the Russian Rivers Net took place in Nyzhniy Novgorod, Russia. On the conference there were representatives from different cities of Russia and the representative of  «MAMA-86-Odessa» Viktoria Yureskul was presented. »»»

The Protocol of intent concerning cooperation in the sphere of ecological enhancement of the Dnister river was signed between Ukraine and Moldova on the ministerial level by environment protection authorities of central executive power and the heads of the state hydroeconomic authorities. »»»

Press-club on the problems of sustainable development "Visiting a supermarket as a personal influence on the planet future". »»»

Ecologists produced a powerful signal, which echoed throughout Ukraine. »»»

On the 5th of November the representatives of "MAMA-86-Tatarbunary" Ganna Bazan and Iryna Vyhrystyuk took part in the seminar "Perspectives of ecological products market development under conditions of expansion of modern technologies." »»»

Almaty + 5: meetings in Yerevan. »»»

An initiative group of 10 Ukrainian non-governmental ecologically concerned organizations announced about their plans to influence the content of pre-election programs of the parties and to stimulate the changes, that will lead to the ecologization of the state development policy and to the development of conditions for the equal participation of women and men in the state management. Press-release. »»»

From the 18th till the 21st of October 2005 the European youth days of water in the frame of the Week of water solidarity took place in Strasbourg. Three representatives of "ÌÀÌÀ-86" — Vika Bormotova, who was a participant of the Water Youth Parliament in Stara Zagora (2003), Valentina Savchenko and Viktoria Ureskul, members of Danube Parliament (2005) took part in this activity. »»»

Association of the keepers of the Dnister river in Nyzhniy Novgorod passed a relay "The River Ribbon". Ms. Slesarenok S., a representative of "MAMA-86", was a member of the delegation of the River Keepers Association. »»»

During week from 15 till 21 October 2005 the European Solidarity Week for Water (ESWW) took place in Strasbourg. »»»

On the 20th of October 2005 the seminar "National priorities in the sphere of persistent organic pollutants management" in the Institute of Ecological Hygiene and Toxicology in Ukraine took place of the GEF/UNEP project "Providing the activities concerning development of National Action Plan on implementation of Stockholm Convention on Pops in Ukraine".

On October 18 World Water Monitoring Day (WWMD) was held by America's Clean Water Foundation. »»»

The protest of the inhabitants of Gonchar street supported by "ÌÀÌÀ-86" satisfied by the Minister of Foreign Affaires of Georgia Gela Bezhuashvili. She announced on the 22th of October that the building would not be built. We would like to mention that the inhabitants struggled against building of multi-storied residence of Georgian Ambassador in Ukraine. The lot for the building was provided by the Kyiv authorities and the park and the playground for children on this place was illegally destroyed. The minister noticed that this territory in fact belonged to Georgia that is why the negotiations concerning providing another lot with the city authorities would be held. Will another park suffer this time?

"ÌÀÌÀ-86" greets the decision of Verhovna Rada Committee in Environmental Policy of Ukraine concerning "Allocation of land plots on the bottom of the Kuchurgan river", that was decreed on the 19th of October 2005. »»»

On the 7th of October 2005 «ÌÀÌÀ-86», Kyiv joined inhabitants of Gonchar street, who struggle against yet another illegal building. »»»

On the 7th of October 2005 a visiting session of working group of Parliament Committee of Ukraine on Environmental Policy, Environmental Management, and Liquidation of the Consequences of Chernobyl Accident took part in the village Stepanivka, Odessa region, where on the border between Ukraine and Moldova the transnational river Kuchurgan flows. »»»

The public ecological organizations were making a protest "No — to atomic reactors, Yes — to energy saving" on the 5th of October from 10 till 12 at the Cabinet of Ministers. »»»

NGO "MAMA-86" together with Ukrainian Water Association in the framework of International Water Forum "Aqua Ukraine — 2005" held on the 6th of October 2005 a seminar "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all in Ukraine" (WASH in Ukraine) and training "Ecological Sanitation is a New Approach to the Wastewaters management". »»»

They force us to forget about the Chernobyl disaster! On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, the World Health Organisation published results of study "Inheritance of Chernobyl: medical, environmental and socio-economical consequences" — the document questions catastrophic impacts of radiation exposure on the current generation and generations to come. Press-release. »»»

3—9 September — a workshop-training "Sanitation as a part of sustainable development" took place in a village of Vorokhta in Ivano-Frankivska Oblast. This event has been hold in the framework of the project "Cooperation for sustainable rural development" implemented by the local NGO "MAMA-86-Yaremche". »»»

On June 29, 2005 50 young people from Odessa, Vilkovo, Izmail and Tatarbunary gathered in Vilkovo to celebrate the Danube Day. »»»

19 August 2005. Head of CB of MAMA-86 Tsygulova Olga took part in 6 th National Inter-departmental Committee Meeting on implementation of UNEP/GEF Project "Taking measures for the development of National implementation action plan of the Stockholm Convention in Ukriane".

6 October 2005 MAMA-86 within the framework of Water Forum — "AQUA Ukraine — 2005" together with Ukrainian Water Association organizes Seminar "Water, sanitation and hygiene for everybody in Ukraine". Also within the framework of Water Forum MAMA-86 organizes the Training on ecosanitation. More information by e-mail: or

27 July 2005. Representative of MAMA-86 took part in the Round Table about beneficiation of flour with folic acid.

14 July 2005. Representatives of MAMA-86 took part in the working group and round table on problems of waste management that were organized by the Committe of Verchovna Rada of Ukraine for Ecological Policy, Nature Management and Mitigation of the Aftermath of the Chernobyl Catastrophe organized.

8 July 2005. Representative of MAMA-86 took part in the Round Table "Dniper River is the source of life in Ukraine" organized by Kyiv City Council and organization "Kyiv Nature House". The goal of the round table was to stimulate participation of all shareholders in solving environmental problems of Dniper River.

1—3 July 2005. Representative of MAMA-86 took part in All-Ukrainian UN youth Summit 2005, and contributed to developing of specific recommendations regarding improvement and optimization environment protection policy. The theme of the Summit this year was the question of the effective and efficient national youth policy in the context of the Ukrainian Millennium Development Goals. The recommendations are available in Ukrainian language. »»»

Mama-86 developed proposals for government about cooperation in the field of European integration. The proposals are available in Ukrainian language. »»»

29 June — International Danube Day. Mama-86 in cooperation with Solidarity Water Europe and other NGOs started the project "The Youth Water Parliament" on 3rd of January 2005. It was decided to celebrate this year's International Danube Day in Vilkovo — "0" km of Danube river.

17 June 2005. New magazine "Ekomama" of Mama-86 was presented at the restaurant "Kvartyra", Kyiv.

7 June 2005. Representatives of MAMA-86 took part in Parliament hearings "Securing of rights of children in Ukraine. Protection of maternity and childhood".

5 June 2005. Capping the five-day UN World Environment conference, 50 mayors from around the world signed in San Francisco the Green Cities Declaration, a set of urban environmental action accords designed to build sustainable urban centers. A representative of MAMA-86 took part in delegation from Ukraine.

29 April—1 May 2005. A representative of MAMA-86 took part in IPEN General Assembly. 2—6 May 2005. A representative of MAMA-86 took part in the first conference of the Stockholm Convention Parties.

11 May 2005, representatives of MAMA-86 took part in Carpathian Tourist Board meeting. More information about Carpathian Tourist Board you can find on web page

20—21 May 2005, representatives of MAMA-86 visited the 3rd Exhibition-Fair for Green Tourism "Ukrainian Village Invites" that was held in Pyrohiv (the Open-Air Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, section "modern village"). »»»

On June 4—5, 2005 a representative of "MAMA-86" — Olga Tsygulova — will attend Environmental Movement Congress that will take place on Khortytsa Island, Zaporizhya, Ukraine.

UN ECE Secretariat of the Water Convention has informed about the ratification of the Protocol on Water and Health by France on 6 May 2005. »»»

The thirteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-13) took place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 11 to 22 April 2005. »»»

On April 14, 2005 a representative of "MAMA-86" attended a round table which was held in the frame of the preparation for the Parliamentary Hearings "About the guarantee of children rights and childhood protection in Ukraine". »»»

MAMA-86's Water Day Action Report. »»»

3—5 March 2005 the delegation of five representatives of pilot eco-sanitation project participated in the two events on water and sanitation problems in the Netherlands: public debate in the Hague and working conference "Women for Water" in Soesterberg. »»»

Earth Day Network and Mama-86 held a press conference on March 21, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. at their headquarters to announce the Earth Day event that will take place in Kiev on Saturday April 23, 2005.
1. Sean Kennedy, Earth Day Network representative and former advisor to President Bill Clinton Sean Kennedy is a longtime political activist, consultant, and producer of media events who has worked on projects throughout the United States and around the world, including some of the most memorable public events of the Clinton Presidency and Kerry Edwards Campaign.
2. Svetlana Slesarenok, Executive Director of Mama-86

On the eve of International Women’s Day 2005, a unique working conference took place in the Netherlands. »»»

17 of March 2005 in the framework of the Joint Working Programme between Ukraine and the Netherlands different Ukrainian representatives of NGO's will meet in order to come up with ideas for possible future projects to be executed in Ukraine in 2005. Olga Denyshchyk will present All-Ukrainian Environmental Non-Governmental Organisation MAMA-86.

On March 4—6, two representatives of MAMA-86 and three eco-sanitation experts will participate in "Women and Water" Working Conference (Soesterberg, the Netherlands) ³n the scope of the MATRA project "Cooperation for Rural Sustainable Development".

From 15 th of December 2004 t ill 5 th of February 2005 the tender on the best technical idea of water treatment (the building of filtration station) for Vorokhta (Ivano-Frankivsk region) was held by MAMA-86-Yaremche. On 15th of February the tender commission had meeting in Yaremche and the 7 applications were examined. The result of the discussion was the conclusion about absence of any much suitable (100%) idea. The tender commission proposed to 4 firms — possible winners to complete the technological schemes for the second independent evaluation till 28th of February 2005.

Implementation of the Technical Solutions of Drinking Water Problems, Carried Out Ukrainian Environmental NGO MAMA-86 In the Framework of the Pilot Projects Program Within the Campaign "Drinking Water in Ukraine" 2001-2003 (PDF, 1.16Mb) »»»

NGO MAMA-86-Odessa announced competition to define the building for the implementation of the pilot project "Economic Effective and Safety House". Participants should submit the following documents Application form, Agreement of the tenants with the requirements of the pilot project and Technical characteristics of the building before January 24, 2005. »»»

December 17, 2004 NGO "MAMA-86-Feodosia" within the frames of the project "Green Choice of Ukraine" has been conducted seminar "Informational and Ecological Activity of the Youth". »»»

Round-table "On the road from London to Budapest" »»»

On February 24, 2004 Ukrainian National Environmental NGO "ÌÀÌÀ-86" held a National Workshop and Presentation of a Pilot Projects Program "Technical Solutions for Improvement of Ukrainian Citizens' Access to Safe Drinking Water in Urban and Rural Areas" that was implemented under "MAMA-86" Campaign "Drinking Water in Ukraine" with the financial contribution of the NOVIB-Oxfam, the Netherlands. »»»

Report on holding World Water Day in 2003 placed on site. »»»




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