The project "Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Ukraine"
Donors: MATRA Programme of the Royal Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Partner participants: The Project was implemented in cooperation with Makariv and Borodianka district state administrations of Kyiv oblast and in partnership with Millieukontakt International, a Dutch non-governmental organization, with financial support of MATRA Programme of the Royal Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Period of implementation: 2008–2010
The Project of the UNENGO “МАМА-86” — “Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Ukraine” (2008–2010) continues the campaign on obsolete pesticides, launched by the UNENGO “МАМА-86” in 1999. Its implementation provided an opportunity to realize the pilot project on inventory and repacking over 100 t. of obsolete pesticides in Borodianka and Makariv districts.
A regional and national information campaigns on safe OP management in Borodianka and Makariv disctricts were held.
As a result of cooperation of the UNENGO “МАМА‑86” and the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine the funds were allocated for safe disposal of repacked OP. In August 2010 over 100 t. of repackaged obsolete pesticides (weight including packaging) at the expense of the State fund for environmental protection were withdrawn for safe disposal abroad.
The main activities of the Project:
- Thematic lessons in schools in Borodianka and Makariv districts of Kyiv oblast (2009).
- Contest “The secret cache of poison” (2009).
- Training for trainers for identification, inventory and management of obsolete pesticides (OP) (2009).
- Training for the OP repacking (2009).
- Video clip and video film of the Project “Elimination of Acute Risks of OP in Ukraine” (2010).
- Press-tour “Infants are killed by environmental problems!”
- Contest for the best journalistic work, dedicated to the problem of obsolete pesticides “Let’s free our land from obsolete pesticides together!” (2010).
- Scientific conference “Let’s free our land from obsolete pesticides together” (together with the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine and the State enterprise “National center for hazardous wastes management” (2010).
- Press-conference “Breakthrough in withdrawal from the territory of Ukraine toxic substances gives hope for full release” (together with Department of environmental safety of the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine and the State enterprise “National center for hazardous wastes management”).
- Press-conference “Denial of official inventory data and vision of the solutions of the problem of obsolete pesticides (OP) in Ukraine” (together with the State Enterprise “National center for hazardous wastes management”) (2009).
Project’s materials:
- Feasibility study for the selection area for carrying out works in the framework of the project “Elimination of Acute Risks of obsolete pesticides in Ukraine” (2008).
- Information booths, leaflets and posters for local people in Borodianka and Makariv districts(2009).
- Booklet “Everything Everything about obsolete pesticides in Ukraine” (2010).
- Booklet of the Project “Let’s free our land from obsolete pesticides together!” (2011)
- Booklet about the UNENGO “МАМА-86” (2011)
- T-shirts with logo of the Project “Elimination of Acute Risks of OP in Ukraine” (2009).
- Rucksacks with logo of the Project “Elimination of Acute Risks of OP in Ukraine” (2009).
- Video clip “Elimination of Acute Risks of OP in Ukraine” (2010).
- Video film “Elimination of Acute Risks of OP in Ukraine” (2010).
- Instruction on general inventory of obsolete and prohibited for usage pesticides and agrochemicals on the territory of Ukraine ( together with the Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine and the State Enterprise “National center of hazardous wastes management” (2010).
- Methodical recommendations for information campaign in educational institutions “Problem of impact of OP on human health and environment”.
- The latest edition of the National Plan of implementation of the Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants
- Information about the Project on the web-site (2010).
- Publications in mass media.