The goal of the project is to promote environmentally friendly life-style among citizens via promoting and implementing individual engineering and social technologies.
There are numerous technologies, from simple to very complicated could be attributed to “sustainable” or “environmentally friendly” in such features of people’s daily life as using energy for different needs, creating wastes, using water, producing discharges, cultivating the land and participate in self-governance through the community or stand for policy and legislation change, which would influence in the end their life-style as well. However, eco-technologies are not well-known to people and their application being perceived as complicated issues, which is a business of big corporations or other organizations. Therefore developing the individual understanding of women and men of the environmental, health and economic benefits of small-scale environmental technologies in the areas of energy, water and sanitation, waste, agriculture and community capacity building – is a priority area of work on the SCP.
Long-term objectives:
- To establish and operate the information and intermediation center of eco-style technologies.
- To raise the awareness of different target groups (teachers, students, schoolchildren, active citizens and local communities members) on eco-friendly life-style.
- To develop national dialogue with governments, eco-friendly businesses and initiatives and the NGOs groups on SCP using best international experience (Marrakesh process, Environment for Europe process, UN CSD).
- To implement demonstration projects on PEL housing technologies application in several local areas in MAMA-86 network places.
First stage
Short-term objectives:
- Collecting and presenting the information on behavior patterns, prioritizing technologies and consulting services, policies and legislation for the data base concerning housing.
- Define priorities, set-up and locations for demonstration projects on PEL technologies application in 3 local areas.
Main activities:
- Collecting, analyzing and making of information blocks for new data base of all practices of MAMA-86 collected during 1998-2008 on organic agriculture, clean food, energy efficiency, water supply, use and sanitation, waste, public participation and public lobbying, sustainable housing and chemicals, education; also renew and collecting organizations of NGOs and businesses in different cities and towns working on elements of life-style and eco-technologies promotion in the regions where MAMA-86 works.
- New information on BAT’s, related legal framework and contacts around it on 5 directions is being collected and put into the data base.
- Making short surveys on existing BAT on energy individual production and use, specific waste management, sustainable agriculture, water and sanitation, community capacity building and policy and legislation framework for it.
Second stage (March — December 2009)
Short-term objectives
- Keeping on up-grading and functioning the database on the best available practices of environmentally friendly technologies.
- Designing of Informational-Training Centre Project as a demonstration and educational tool of eco-technologies promotion.
- Promotion of environmentally friendly life-style via (1) translation, adoption into national language and presentation The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard and (2) dissemination of project and other relevant information through Mama-86 networks and partners’ network mailing list, web-site, participation in joint events and so on.
- Searching for co-funding for small PEL projects designed during the project preparatory stage (fundraising) and launching them.
- Strengthening further Mama-86 membership.
Main activities
- To monitor new practices of environmentally friendly technologies, policies and legislation on housing. Up-dating the data base. Dissemination of new information among target groups.
- To develop informational package for competition of architectural projects of Demonstration centre for environmentally friendly technologies among young professionals and students. To announce call for projects and to carry out competition.
- To approve and to adopt into the Ukrainian language The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard. To present adopted movie, to place it on Mama-86 web-site and to distribute via partners’ network To investigate market of co-funding opportunities via search relevant project calls, programmes, trainings, funds and to range them.
- To prepare small PEL project proposals accordingly to rules and requirements of funding organizations and to submit proposals amended.
- To prepare and to publish Mama-86 Magazine 6th issue described to the project topics, its achievements and current Mama-86 activities.
- To create experts’ network on environmentally friendly technologies in housing.
Third stage (January 2010 — December 2011)
Short-term objectives
- Maintaining the information and intermediation center of eco-style technologies and services: database up-grading and promotion.
- Promotion of environmentally friendly life-style.
- Developing national dialogue with government on SCP.
- Strengthening and extending Mama-86 membership.
Main activities
- To monitor new information on the best available environmentally friendly technologies, related legal framework and policies on buildings and private housing. To up-date information in the data base. To disseminate among target groups.
- To organize and carry out the best practices conference & exhibition: eco-solutions for private and public buildings (2011).
- To establish partners’ consortium for creation of Demonstration centre for environmentally friendly technologies.
- To develop the project of Demonstration centre for environmentally friendly technologies.
- To represent in Public Council under National Agency of Ukraine on ensuring of efficient use of energy resources management since Mama-86 is a member of the Public Council.
- To represent in National Sustainable Development Council since Mama-86 is a member of the Council.
- To participate in UN CSD-18 (May, 2010) and UN CSD-19 (2011).
- To develop Mama-86 membership strategy and Membership rules.
- To involve new individual and collective members into Mama-86 network, to establish new regional organizations of Mama-86 network.
To prepare and to publish 7th and 8th issue of Mama-86 Magazine dedicated to project topics, its achievements and current activities of the organization.
The project is implemented under financial support of Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
Contact information:
Iryna Malysheva,
Project coordinator
Peoples Eco-Life Project articles: