Second joint meeting of the Working Commission on the Inventory and Utilization of Obsolete Poisonous Chemicals on Territory of Makarivskiy District, Working Group of the Implementation of International Project on the Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Borodyanskyi District and the team of the project "Elimination Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Ukraine" took place on February 25 in smt. Borodyanka.
Chairpersons and presidium:
- Mykhailo Y. Hnatyshyn — First Deputy Head of Borodyanskiy District State Administration of the Kyiv region;
- Pavlo.O. Kunakov — Head of the Department for Emergencies of Makarivskiy District State Administration of the Kyiv region, Deputy of commission;
- Vasyl V. Kotenko — Head of Borodyanskiy District Council;
- Ganna M. Golubovska-Onisimova — President of NGO "MAMA-86", co-ordinator of the project.
Members of the Working Commission on the Inventory and Utilization of Obsolete Poisonous Chemicals on Territory of Makarivskiy District:
Shimonovich M.V. (Head of Nature Management Department of Northern Region of the State Directorate for Environmental Protection in the Kyiv region), Zapol'ska O.P. (acting as Chief Physician of Makarivskiy District Sanitary-Epidemiological Service).
Members of Working Group of the Implementation of International Project on the Elimination Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Borodyanskyi District:
Demchenko A.P. (Head of the Department for Emergencies of Borodyanskyi District State Administration of the Kyiv region), Babak G.A. (Head of Borodyanka District Sanitary-Epidemiological Service), Malinovskiy O.M. (Senior Inspector of Civil Protection and Technical Safety Deparment of Borodyanskyi District Local Division of Main Directorate of the Ministry for Emergencies of Ukraine).
A team of the project "Elimination Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Ukraine":
Tsygulyova O.M. (leading expert on obsolete pesticides issues), Onisimov Yu.V. (information manager), Oliynikova G.V. (regional co-ordinator), Chaichuk O.V. (project assistant).
Yukhymuk S.S. — Deputy Head of Borodyanskyi District State Administration of the of the Kyiv region; Pidorina O.V. (Head of Housing and Communal Services Department of Makarivskiy District State Administration), Kukhar V.I. (Head of Education department of Borodyanskyi District State Administration), Moroz V.M. (Editor of "Borodyanske radio"), Komar М.М. (Editor of newspaper "Vpered"), Petushenko G. V. (deputy of Borodyanskiy District Council), Slipenko V.I. (Head of Council of Druzhnya village).
- Introductory word — of co-chairpersons of meeting — Mykhailo Y. Hnatyshyn, First Deputy Head of Borodyanskiy District State Administration, and Pavlo O. Kunakov — Head of the Department for Emergencies of Makarivskiy District State Administration of the Kyiv region, Deputy of commission; Vasyl V. Kotenko — Head of Borodyanskiy District Council.
- Presentation of "Estimation of location Intermediate Collection Centre (ICC)" by Ganna M. Golubovska-Onisimova.
- Speech "Conditions announcement of competition «The most Secret hiding-place of poison»" by Galyna V. Oliynikova.
- Representatives of Working Group and Working Commission will give official information about three possible locations of ICC in districts and its parameters that have been presented on the meeting to NGO "MAMA-86" during five days of the moment of confirmation of meeting decisions.
- To conduct public consultations about receiving the problem of OP in the way of analyzing of public opinion.
- To inform NGO "MAMA-86" about district NGO for the purpose of developing informational and communication campaign for informing inhabitants about project activities and feedback receiving about the exposure on new places of OP location.
- To create special groups of schoolchildren for distributing of information about dangerousness of OP and exposure of information about unknown places of OP in Borodyanskiy and Makarivskiy districts.
- To develop next stage of educational and information campaign in educational institutions.
- To announce competition "The most Secret hiding-place of poison" and to put information about it in local mass-media and web-sites of District State Administrations.
- To discuss question about preparation to the trainings and inventarisation according to the methods of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which will be took place at the end of March — during April with participating of international partners.