First joint meeting of working groups of the project "Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides (OP) in Ukraine" Print
Monday, 01 December 2008 00:00

First joint meeting of the Working Commission on the Inventory and Utilization of Obsolete Poisonous Chemicals on Territory of Makarivskiy District, Working Group of the Implementation of International Project on the Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Borodyanskiy District and the team of the project «Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides (OP) in Ukraine» was carried out in Makariv, on November, 24.

Chairpersons and presidium:

  • Serhiy O. Hramushnyak — First Deputy Head of Makarivskiy District State Administration of the Kyiv region;
  • Hryhorij I. Nevmerzhitskiy — Deputy Head of Makarivskiy District Council of the Kyiv region;
  • Serhij S. Yukhymuk — Deputy Head of Borodyanskiy District State Administration of the of the Kyiv region;                    
  • Ganna M. Golubovska-Onisimova — President of NGO «MAMA-86», co-ordinator of the project.


Members of the Working Commission on the Inventory and Utilization of Obsolete Poisonous Chemicals on Territory of Makarivskiy District:

Kunakov P.O. (Head of the Department for Emergencies of Makarivskiy District State Administration of the Kyiv region, Deputy of commission), Okhrimenko M.G. (director of public corporation «Makarivskiy of rayagropostach»), Panyukhno T.V. (acting Head of Zabuyanskyi Soviet of the settlement of the Kyiv region), Shimonovich M.V. (Head of Nature Management Department of Northern Region of the State Directorate for Environmental Protection in the Kyiv region).

Members of Working Group of the Implementation of International Project on the Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Borodyanskiy District:

Demchenko A.P. (Head of the Department for Emergencies of Borodyanskyi District State Administration of the Kyiv region), Babak G.A. (Head of Borodyanka District Sanitary-Epidemiological Service), Malinovskiy O.M. (Senior Inspector of Civil Protection and Technical Safety Deparment of Borodyanskyi District Local Division of Main Directorate of the Ministry for Emergencies of Ukraine).

A team of the project «Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Ukraine»:

Tsygulyova O.M. (leading expert on obsolete pesticides issues), Onisimov Yu.V. (information manager), Oliynikova G.V. (regional co-ordinator), Chaichuk O.V. (project assistant), Antonov A.V. (project expert).


Bach N.S. (member of Makarivskiy District Council, chairman of farm), Krupoderya V.M. (leading specialist in Makarivskiy District State Administration), Gartfil V.O. (Head of Education department of Makarivskiy District State Administration), Kukhar V.I. (Head of Education department of Borodyanskiy District State Administration), Zapol’ska O.P. (acting as Chief Physician of Makarivskiy District Sanitary-Epidemiological Service), Zabroda D.F. (leading inspector of Makariskiy district Inspection of Plant Protection), Pidorina O.V. (Head of Housing and Communal Services Department of Makarivskiy District State Administration), Podenko A.V. (Makariskoy district Inspection of Plant Protection), Bendovskiy P.S. (head of Kolos Ltd.), Timoshenko V.B. (entrepreneur, s. Zabuyannya), Moroz V.M. (Editor of “Borodyanske radio”), S.Trigub (editor of newspaper «Makarivski news»), Fedyaeva n.m. (journalist of television company «Avis»).


1. Introductory word — of co-chairpersons of meeting, Hramushnyak S.O., First Deputy Head of Makarivskiy District State Administration, and Yukhimuk S.S. Deputy Head of Borodyanskyi District State Administration, and Hryhorij I. Nevmerzhitskiy, Deputy Head of Makarivskiy District Council.

2. Presentation of project «Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Ukraine», aims of the project in general and in Borodyanskiy and Makarivskiy districts of the Kyiv region, in particular.

  • Ganna M. Golubovska-Onisimova, co-ordinator of project ;
  • Olga M. Tsygulyova, leading expert;
  • G.V. Oliynikova, regional co-ordinator.    

3.         Discussion of presentations and next steps.

4.         Various.

5.         Press-conference. The beginning of information and communication activity in districts.


1.         To try to conduct inventory works and re-packaging of OP in accordance with the international safety standards before summer of 2009 .

2.         To create the monitoring committee of the project with participation of community and deputies of Makarivskiy district soviet on proposal of Bach N.S., deputy Makarivskiy District Council, before the next meeting of Work Group.

3.         On the request of the community, to appeal to the Ministry for environmental Protection of Ukraine with a request to foresee financing on eliminations of OPs which will be re-packaged during realization of the project.

4.         With the purpose of receiving the feed-back for the exposure on new places of Ops location to conduct information and communication campaign until April, 2009:

  • to disseminate posters, leaflets, stickers;
  • to conduct meetings, round-tables, seminars for the Heads of village councils, local self-government committees, communities activists and NGOs;
  • for encouragement of the local inhabitants to participate in the project to conduct a competition «The most Secret hiding-place of poison»;
  • create information stands and place them in the most visited by inhabitants of districts places (administrations, schools, clubs, medical facilities, shops);
  • to ask editor-in-chiefs in every number of local mass media to give an announcement, about operating public-call lines for reporting about the unknown places of OP location;
  • to place information about the Project, contacts and reference on the sites of district administrations.

5.         Jointly with the education departments of district state administration to develop a plan of of Educational and Informative Campaigns in schools and colleges, according joint suggestion of Kukhar V.I. and Gartfil V.O., till the end of December, 2008.

6.         To conduct the Public hearing for local communities on the selection and organization of the centralized storages of re-packaged OPs in Makarivskyi and Borodyanskyi districts.

7.         To plan the next joint meeting of Working groups of Makarivskyi and Borodyanskyi districts, and the team of project «Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides in Ukraine» on February, 2009 in smt. Borodyanka.

Photoreport on this event is placed on our site

Home Chemical Safety News First joint meeting of working groups of the project "Elimination of Acute Risks of Obsolete Pesticides (OP) in Ukraine"