World Water Day 2010 and Campaign “Water, sanitation and hygiene for all” | ![]() |
Monday, 07 June 2010 15:32 | |||
Water Day 2010 was held under the theme “Water quality problems”. NGO MAMA-86 with the support of the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council (WSSCC) has organized awareness raising campaigns aimed at drawing the attention of young people, students and local communities in 10 regions of Ukraine to a wide range of water quality problems. Within this actions were school lessons and lectures, competitions and exhibitions, expeditions and events of cleaning the water sources in towns and villages. More than 4500 children and adults participated in these Water Day 2010 activities. A movie “Water — the essence of life”, translated and adapted for Ukraine infomaterials of UNESCO and UNEP GEMS / Water Programme (Conclusions of the Report about global issues of water resources quality), a brief information sheet about causes of water quality decline and main problems of drinking water quality in Ukraine were prepared and used broadly as information basis for actions. Materials were distributed by regional MAMA-86 branches and posted on the website of MAMA-86. KyivIn Kyiv, World Water Day actions began on March 22 by opening of the exhibition of drawings of winners and selected by the jury participants of the contest “Rivers unite people” in the Water Information Center in Kyiv (“Water museum”). 36 drawings have been added to the museum’s exposition. This festive event was attended by children — winners of the competition, pupils and teachers of four schools in Kyiv and Kyiv region: Vasilkovskoy arts school, school number 315 in Kyiv, Extracurricular Center in Kyiv (study group “Doctors-environmentalists”) and specialized educational complex “Forest bells”, representatives of the organizers of the contest MAMA-86 and Water Information Center, jury of the contest and journalists from Ukraine and Swedish radio. Children’s Creative Contest “Rivers unite people” was held from 22 March to 1 October 2009. Diplomas were awarded to 50 works in the themes “Assays”, “Drawings”, “For the love of nature”. On March 22 representatives of MAMA-86 took part in the Working Conference, organized by the State Committee for Water Management of Ukraine for Water Day. Anna Tsvietkova addressed the Conference and introduced the problem and the public role in implementing the Protocol on Water and Health in Ukraine. The meeting was attended by over 40 leading specialists of the State Committee and by the invited representatives of various stakeholders: other ministries and departments, science, NGOs and media. During April 6 lectures and lessons on water, sanitation and hygiene were organized for 225 schoolchildren of different ages and 10 teachers of 2 schools and Extracurricular Center of Kyiv. Lessons were conducted in collaboration with the project “Ekotelefon”. Information materials on hygiene and water quality problems were widely used during lectures. Since 25 April MAMA-86 began an independent survey on school sanitation and hygiene in 10 regions of Ukraine. This school children’s and expert’s opinion poll attitude is done in collaboration with the Center for Sociological and Commercial researchs “Socis” and financial assistance of WSSCC in the frame of “Water, sanitation and hygiene for all!” campaign.
FeodosiaIn the frame of World Water Day actions MAMA-86-Feodosia held an Expedition “North-Crimean Canal — the main water artery of the Crimea” or “What will bring the Dnieper water to the Crimea in 2010?”. Auto tour began on March 21. The action was attended by 15 activists of the Students Scientific and Technical Society of Feodosia Polytechnic University and National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov, pupils of secondary school #35 and college of Feodosia, Heads of organization “Intellect”, representatives of Feodosia Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs and NGOs “Ecology and Peace”. The aim of the expedition was to assess the sanitary condition of the Canal and two water reservoirs — Feodosiyskoe and Frontovoe, before the start of the water supply season 2010. These reservoirs are the basis of centralized water supply of Great Feodosia. In previous years the quality of water from reservoirs that is taken for water treatment in 20– 50% of cases did not meet the requirements of GOST 2761-84 “Sources of centralized water supply”, SanPiN № 4630-88 “Sanitary regulations and norms of water sources protection from pollution” in terms of turbidity (more than 50 mg/dm3) and color (more than 350). To reduce the health risks of infectious diseases related to water, the main method of disinfection and elimination of organic pollution is hyperhlorination of water. It leads to production of significant quantities of chlorine organic derivatives, including carcinogens such as dibromhlormethane, the concentrations of which in drinking water are usually higher in 1.5–3 times compared to the MAC. During the expedition a visual assessment of water bodies, which used for drinking purposes by towns, villages and settlements in the south-eastern Crimea was conducted. It has been revealed that the canal bottom is silted, and water in the canal was “blooming”. During the canal inspection there were found mussels, which were not observed here before. Also, water samples were selected from the canal and reservoirs for the nitrates analysis. A “Holiday of pure water” — a traditional annual event near the fountain “Delfinchyk”, that was built by MAMA-86-Feodosia in 2003 for residents and visitors was held on March 20 in Feodosia. During this action the fountain surrounding territory was cleaned and it was recovered as well as restoration place near by. An enlightenment and raising funds for the repair of water supply and sewerage to the fountain campaign was also carried out. The action was attended by 10 students of local high schools, activists of Ecoclub “Kaffa” and the NGO “Ecology and Peace.” During last 2 years because of drought and reduced amount of water in the source, the water was not supplied to the fountain. This year it is planned to agree with the department of Prydnistrovska railway (owner of the water pipe system) the water supply to the fountain. NizhynOpening ceremony of the newly built eco-san toilet in Nizhyn school #5 was organized by MAMA-86-Nizhyn together with Central Office of MAMA-86 representatives on 19 March 2010. Toilet opening has become the basis for global action “The World Longest Queue to the Toilet” that was attended by 45 pupils and guests of the school. On March 22 MAMA-86-Nizhyn activists attended and congratulated children and teachers of a preschool children’s institution #4 in Nizhyn city with World Water Day and had 19 samples of well water brought by parents express tested. A training for parents about technical possibilities for improving quality of drinking water in the currently existing conditions was conducted. On March 23 MAMA-86-Nizhyn organized a celebration of water in kindergarten “Kolosok” in Vertiivka village. SevastopolOn March 19 MAMA-86-Sevastopol organized an excursion-lesson for schoolchildren to tell about drinking water treatment at the Sevastopol drinking water treatment plant. During the lesson, chief technologist of the Sevastopol plant told children many interesting things about water, its importance for life and its impact on health. 14 pupils of school #3 learned about work of various departments and laboratories. The water samples that children took from the spring in Maksimov dacha, from school water tap before and after filter were analyzed in the laboratories. It was found that water from the spring is not clean for drinking purposes and exceeds the norms on salt content and salinity. A school tap water did not meet the bacteriological standards. The best and safe water was after the filter. Sevastopol independent TV channel made a report about this lesson and broadcasted it to city residents to learn about water and drinking water production. NGO “MAMA-86-Sevastopol” announced a competition for the best essay about water. Winners will receive prizes and their work will be included in the collection of stories about water. YaremcheFive seminars “Clean environment — clean water” were held for pupils in schools of Yaremche, villages Mykulychyn and Tatariv during the World Water Day actions. More than 120 pupils from 7–11 grades and teachers from 3 schools as well as representatives of ecological organization “Edelveis” took part in these events. Seminars were held from 5 to 12 March 2010. Maps of the results of studies of nitrates in the public wells and maps of illegal dumps in village Mykulychyn were presented during the seminars. For the information work 7 different leaflets about solid waste management were produced. Thematic issue of the Bulletin “March 22 — World Water Day” was published also. A contest of hand made creatures “Second life for waste” was announced, results of that contest were concluded on 20 April 2010. It is planned that the works of winners will be put in the exposition of ecotourism visit centre of Carpathian National Environmental Park. Winners and all participants of the contest were awarded by prizes and diplomas during the celebration of Earth Day, April 22. Artemivs'kTwo training-seminars for Water Day were held on 18–19 March by MAMA-86-Artemivs’k at schools in villages Razdolovka and Zvanivka. 56 primary school pupils as well as pupils from 5 and 7 grades watched the movie “Water — the essence of life”, actively discussed water issues and the need to protect the environment and water sources. Interesting experiments and laboratory analysis of water from village wells, express analysis on nitrates were conducted for children. Tests showed that water in the village Razdolovka is much cleaner on nitrates than in the village Zvanivka. During the seminars such information materials were disseminated:
KharkivMAMA-86-Kharkiv organized a Water Week dedicated to water. Water Week was launched on March 18 at the Kharkiv school #129 in cooperation with the Kharkiv Scientific-methodical center for pedagogical support and with the support of WSSCC. Water Day celebrations began from awarding of pupils of Kharkiv schools - winners of the contest “Rivers unite people” that was held during 2009. 446 pupils from 77 Kharkiv schools and educational institutions submitted 345 paintings, 100 assays and a film. Among the winners of the contest 25 children from Kharkiv received diplomas and gifts. 11 educational institutions of Kharkiv were also awarded diplomas for active participation in the creative competition. During Water Week the best children’s environmental projects on a water issue were also presented, this has become a tradition since 2004. The opening of the Water Week in Kharkiv was attended by over 150 students and teachers from 35 educational institutions. This event was widely covered by regional media. A report about opening ceremony of Water Week in Kharkiv was broadcasted at the “Kharkiv News” at the 7th TV channel. During 18–25 March 2010 in Kharkiv educational institutions there was a number of measures, which attracted more than 3000 children and adults. Among the most outstanding events of this week were:
Nova KahovkaMAMA-86-Kahovka begun preparations for Water Day in February, when 2 training seminars were organized for students of instrument-making and agrotechnical colleges. Express analyses from drinking water samples that students brought were conducted. It was concluded that from eight samples taken in five districts of Kherson region (Beryslav, Kahovs’kyi, Ivanovo, Novotroits’ke and Nova Kahovka) only a water sample of Novotroyitsk well did not meet sanitary standards and was 100 mh/dm3. Scientific Conference and seminar-training on water problems: “Water and its properties” and “Water and human health” were held on March 4 and March 22 in Novokahovskii Humanitarian University “Ukraine”. MAMA-86-Nova Kahovka conducted an expedition of the North-Crimean Canal (NCC) on March 18. Students from Humanitarian University “Ukraine” and Agrotechnical College, mass media and administration of the NCC took part in the trip. Survey was conducted to define the pollution sources along the canal in the area of 3 rayons (districts): Novokahovskiy, Kahovskiy and Tsurupinskiy. The most contaminated area was on 26–28 kilometers of NCC in Tsurupinsk rayon where the illegal market of food and household goods is located. Several violations were found: the market does not have a toilet, the garbage collection and removal does not organized, so rubbish is dumped in the parkland. Express analysis’s were conducted on nitrates in water samles taken from 5 places. The most contaminated sample was from Tsurupinsk area – 28-th km of NCC, where rates of nitrates were 50 mg/l, whereas in all other areas the figures were 0–5 mg/l. The representatives of MAMA-86-Nova Kahovka examined also the parkland of Nova Kahovka along the coastal strip of the Dnieper and were pleased to note that reproves that were sent to the heads of private enterprises last year were resolved. Propaganda team contest dedicated to water was held among the 8 schools Kahovka on March 26. All participants received awards and presents. Among the best propaganda team was a team from the “Junior environmentalist station” of Nova Kahovka, schools #2 and #4. MAMA-86-Nova Kahovka volunteer Chistyakov V.A together with pupils checked 28 wells in the village Korsunka (of 17 wells tested, none meet the norms and indices were 150 to 500 mg/dm3), in village Pischane (one of 3 samples did not meet standards and had 100 mg nitrates per liter, in the village of Nizhni Lager (2 samples of 3 samples did not meet standards), in Korsunka dachas, Roboche village and town Dnipryany (there were no samples that exceeded norms) during March. Retesting showed that the worst situation with nitrate pollution of drinking water sources remains in village Korsunka. Social survey results and proposals were sent to the Head of Dnipryany village council Mr. Roman Pashkyevych, who is responsible for solving problems of water supply and sanitation in Korsunka. MykolaivWater Day 2010 theme in Mykolaiv was Hygiene issues, including hand washing item. A task of the actions was to show how by comply with simple rules and washing hands you can fight against severe diseases. Action was held on March 22 on the main street of Mykolaiv. Four members and five volunteers of the organization MAMA-86-Mykolaiv participated in this action. Washstands were installed on the city streets and people were invited to wash hands. The campaign lasted from 8 to 10 am, when many people were on the street. The booklets and leaflets about hygiene and its rules were also distributed. The campaign had the support of the city authorities.
PoltavaThis year the Water and Sanitation Week took place during spring school vacation from 1 to 7 April in the villages Gozhuly and Machukhy in Poltava oblast. Scripts of the Week were the same and developed with and by the help from MAMA-86-Poltava. For children from Gozhuly school such actions were held: the drawing contest on water themes and competition of articles and scientific papers. 5 drawings and abstract of the two students were among the winners. Express tests on nitrates were conducted for 30 water samples from wells with the pupils’ participation. An open lesson “Water is our life” for 6–9 grades pupils as well as school assembly with watching films “Water is the essence of life”, “Story of Stuff” were held. 110 pupils took part in these events. Water Day this year in village Machukhy was celebrated much wider and based on school capacity. Children participated in a drawing contest on water, in which 10 winners of drawings and abstracts for senior pupils were defined. Among the scientific papers 5 best works were noted. Children also brought samples of drinking water from home to test on nitrates. 24 water samples were analyzed. For primary school pupils open-door lesson “Water is our life” was held. Also for all school students a school assembly and film viewing were held. 137 pupils from village Machukhy took part in the Water Week actions.