MAMA-86-Yaremche Participated in the Coordinating Council Meeting on the Cross-Border Tourism Development | ![]() |
Monday, 02 June 2014 15:32 | |||
May 27, 2014, Yaremche — Members of the “MAMA-86-Yaremche” Environmental NGO took part in the meeting of the Coordination Council within the “Breaking the Borders: Nature Discovery Trails to Eastern Carpathians” Project, which was implemented by a number of partner organizations from Ukraine and Romania. The results on the 2-year-project, which lasted from June 2012 to May 2014, were summed up during this final meeting. The project aimed at developing and promoting of cross-border nature tourism in protected areas of Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) and Maramures (Romania) and was implemented with the co-financial support of EU in the framework of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007–2013. “Since the project has been focused on improving the tourism infrastructure in terms of maximum sustainable use of natural resources, its performers asked us to provide expertise and technical support on constructing of eco-toilets on tourist routes in the Carpathian National Nature Park (CNNP)”, — said Martha Korchemlyuk, head of the “MAMA-86-Yaremche” NGO, which has already had the experience in construction of 14 eco-toilets for individual owners. The initiative was approved, and as a result, Michaylo Motruk, member of MAMA-86-Yaremche, became the direct operator of the technical tasks. Two toilets were built on tourist routes within Yaremche and Zhenetskyi Environmental Research Departments of the Carpathian National Nature Park. “It will be a good example for the locals and visitors of Yaremche region — says Marta Korchemlyuk. — We hope that this practice of further strengthening of the ecological sanitation idea will be expended in the future with support of other projects, or on own funding of CNNP”.
The Project — Breaking the Borders: Nature Discovery Trails to Eastern Carpathians aimed at developing a system of tourism circuits that provide rich experiences of the Carpathian nature by utilizing the existing and developing new infrastructures and education / visitor facilities, and by integrating tourism circuits into the livelihood activities of local people enabling the flow of benefits from tourism activities to the local communities. Main activities of the project were: development of transfrontier nature tourism circuits and strategy, infrastructure upgrading and development, planning and mapping of trail networks, upgrading and maintenance of trails, establishing the bird and watching facilities, familiarization visit for nature based tour operators and travel writers.